Perform is committed to protecting and preserving your privacy. As a provider of business services, Perform makes use of relevant and necessary private personal information when conducting its normal business activities and in order to provide these services to you.

Perform Project Solutions Pty Ltd (ABN 36 614 673 746) is a provider of various business services including recruitment, human resources consulting, training, project consultancy services and software applications.

We may keep private personal information to help us provide our services to you. Any private personal  information we keep about you is relevant to the services we have/do/hope to provide to you. 

We will seek your consent to use and disclose your private personal information. If you do not provide us with this consent we may be limited in our ability to provide you with our services.

The private personal information we collect about you typically includes name and contact details and, in the case of candidates/contractors, it may include a CV which you have supplied to us, as well as information on  employment/background/police/qualification/reference or other checks or skills or psychological  assessments that you have authorised us to conduct. It my also extend to date of birth, tax file numbers, banking and superannuation account details.

Not all the personal information we hold about you may be deemed private as some of the information may have been gathered from publicly available sources.

From time to time we may need to disclose your private personal information to clients, candidates, service providers, agents, employees and other partners to help us provide our services to you or to authorised government agencies as required by law. If we do this we require these parties to protect your private personal information in the same way we do.

Perform will use your private personal information in a way that is consistent with, or directly related to the  purpose for which it was collected, such as finding you employment or supplying you with business services.

Your private personal information may be stored electronically or in hardcopy. Perform will take reasonable  steps to ensure that we hold your private personal information in a secure physical and electronic  environment accessed only by authorised persons for the purposes and processes described above.

If you inform us of changes in your private personal information, we will endeavour to update and correct your records. We may also contact you from time to time or take other reasonable steps to ensure that your personal private information is accurate, complete and up-to-date.

By providing Perform with any private personal information, you consent to its collection, use and disclosure as described in this policy.